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Physical Therapy Services

Physical Therapy - at our clinic, at school, or in your home

CTA offers traditional, pediatric physical therapy very similar to what you would find in any outpatient hospital-based clinic or Medical Therapy Unit, but we have the flexibility to cater our care and our goals to your family's specific needs and priorities. We often treat children with complex neurodevelopment disabilities, help catch those children with rare and undiagnosed conditions that 'fall through the cracks' and don't qualify for other services, and love to fill the gap for babies with highly treatable diagnoses such as torticollis and plagiocephaly when the time between diagnosis and treatment with an in-network provider can adversely affect outcomes.   In addition, we borrow some components of intensive physical at times to enhance treatment as indicated (if families are interested). One such component is the use of the Universal Exercise Unit (a system of pulleys, ropes, straps, and weights, and is designed to facilitate selective strength training).  

Speech Therapy - not offered at this time.

Occupational Therapy - not offered at this time.